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216 W. Central Springfield, MO 65802-3829
37.217200 / -93.293800
Moreno Lahm, Alma

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Property Location

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Property Progress

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CAs Associated with this Property

CA NameCA #StateTypeAnnouncement Year
Springfield, Missouri, City ofBF98786301MOAssessment2007

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Assessment Activities at this Property

ActivityEPA FundingStart DateCompletion DateCAAccomplishment Counted?Counted When?
Phase I Environmental Assessment$2,675.0007/08/200908/07/2009Springfield, Missouri, City ofYFY11
Phase II Environmental Assessment08/10/200908/26/2009Springfield, Missouri, City ofN

Is Cleanup Necessary? Yes
EPA Assessment Funding: $2,675.00
Leveraged Funding: $12,684.01
Total Funding: $15,359.01

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Planning or Assessment

There is no data for Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Planning or Assessment.

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Contaminants and Media

Other Metals
Cleaned Up
NOT Cleaned up
NOT Cleaned up

Cleanup Activities

Start DateEPA FundingCompletion DateCAAccomplishment Counted?Cleanup Documentation
09/01/200909/01/2009Springfield, Missouri, City ofNo

Cleanup/Treatment Implemented:
Cleanup/Treatement Categories:
Addl Cleanup/Treatment info:
Address of Data Source:
Total ACRES Cleaned Up: 2.46
Number of Cleanup Jobs Leveraged:
EPA Cleanup Funding:
Leveraged Funding: $2,000.00
Cost Share Funding:
Total Funding: $2,000.00

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Demolition or Cleanup

There is no data for Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Demolition or Cleanup.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls


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Redevelopment and Other Leveraged Accomplishments

Start DateLeveraged FundingCACompletion Date
09/23/2010$1,473,900.00Springfield, Missouri, City of09/24/2010
09/23/2010$26,100.00Springfield, Missouri, City of09/24/2010

Number of Redevelopment Jobs Leveraged:
Actual Acreage of Greenspace Created:
Leveraged Funding:

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Redevelopment

There is no data for Climate Adaption and Mitigation – Redevelopment

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Additional Property Attributes

Historic research identified an apparent textile dyeing facility on the north portion of the site in 1910. Concrete containments utilized for dyeing were located on the site during that time. It is possible for pigments which typically contained ls and inks and solvents to have been utilized at this facility at that time. This facility did not appear on the 1933 or 1902 Sanborn maps and the facility did not appear in the city directories reviewed. No additional information regarding activities at this facility was found. This facility could have operated for as long as 30 years and based on the materials that could have been utilized, the potential exists for this former use to have adversely environmentally impacted the Site. A filling station was located on the west portion of the adjacent property to the north from approximately 1930 to 1957. Three underground storage tanks USTs were located to the north, east, and west of the building. No evidence of these USTs was observed during site inspection activities however, no documentation regarding their removal was found. Based on the length of time this filling station was in operation, a lack of tank removal documentation, and it�s topographically upgradient location, the potential exists for this facility to have adversely environmentally impacted the Site and is considered an REC. A filling station was located on the east portion of the adjacent property to the north from approximately 1930 to 1935. Three USTs were observed to the south of the filling station building on the 1933 Sanborn map. No information regarding this facility was found during this assessment and it is unknown if the USTs have been removed. Based on the lack of information regarding the removal of these tanks and its topographically upgradient location, the potential exists for this facility to have adversely environmentally impacted the Site. This is considered an REC. A filling station was located on the adjacent property to the east from approximately 1941 to 1957. The 1957 Sanborn map indicates two gasoline USTs were located east of the filling station building and historical research indicates that two gasoline USTs were removed from this property sometime around 1979. There were no regulations in place at that time and there is no record that the Missouri Department of Natural Resources has issued a No Further Action letter for their removal. Based on the topographically upgradient location of this property and its proximity to the Site, it is possible that currently unrecognized environmental impact to exist at this property which could adversely environmentally impacted the Site. This is considered an REC. Vogue Cleaners, a drycleaners, was located on the adjacent property to the north from approximately 1935 to 1950. Chlorinated solvents were likely utilized on the property during this time. Based on the length of time this facility was in operation, the lack of regulatory oversight at that time and it�s topographically upgradient location, the potential exists for this facility to have adversely environmentally impacted the Site. This is considered an REC. Suspect asbestos containing materials ACMs observed at the Site include ceiling tile, stucco, sheet flooring, and floor tiles. Sampling and analysis of the ACMs occured during the Phase II, and the previous owner was responsible for cleanup. A Phase II was recommended for this site and the City elected to fund it using HUD funds due to the need to expedite the purchase, making the extended time required for EPA approval of a TSAP not feasible. The Phase II identified ACMs and did not identify petroleum above MDNR DTLs. An isolated arsenic hit was identified below the parking lot, but did not warrant further investigation based on the planned use to leave the parking lot in place. If excavation is planned in the future, further testing will be conducted. The property was purchased after cleanup and it is now used by the Springfield Police
Commercial (2.46)

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