The Grants Reporting and Tracking System (GRTS) is the primary tool for management and oversight of the EPA’s Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution Control Program.
GRTS pulls grant information from EPA’s centralized grants and financial databases and allows grant recipients to enter detailed information on the individual projects or activities funded under each grant.
Under Clean Water Act Section 319(h), EPA awards grants for implementation of state NPS management programs. State grant recipients are required to report annually in GRTS their progress in meeting milestones, including reductions of NPS pollutant loadings and on improvements to water quality achieved by implementing NPS pollution control practices.
GRTS enables EPA and States to demonstrate the accomplishments achieved with the use of 319h grant funds. The data entered into GRTS is used by the Agency to respond to inquiries received from Congressional committees, the White House, and various constituent groups.
GRTS is managed by Alex Porteous of EPA's Assessment and Watershed Protection Division. Questions about GRTS can be sent to