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Office of Pesticide Programs

Developer Center

This page provides several resources for developers including:

  • Guidance on linking to chemical information pages.
  • CSV/XML data set exports.
  • Available RSS feeds.
  • RESTful web service.

Linking to Chemical Search

Links to the chemical detail pages that contain the Chemical Search Chemical ID should follow the structure defined below:
http://iaspub.epa.gov/apex/pesticides/f?p=CHEMICALSEARCH:3:::NO::P3_XCHEMICAL_ID:[CHEMICAL ID]

Passing EPA PC Code in the URL is also possible. Links to the chemical detail pages that contain the EPA PC Code should follow the structure defined below:
http://iaspub.epa.gov/apex/pesticides/f?p=CHEMICALSEARCH:3:::NO::P3_PC_CODE:[EPA PC CODE]

The [CHEMICAL ID] is unique to Chemical Search. A mapping of EPA PC Code, CAS Number and Common Chemical Name to Chemical ID can be found below under the Identifiers data set.

CSV/XML data set exports

  • Identifiers [CSV][XML]
    • EPA OPP Chemical ID
      The unique record number assigned to a chemical substance or a chemical grouping within EPA OPP Chemical Search.
    • EPA SRS Internal Tracking Number
      The unique record number assigned to a chemical substance or a chemical grouping for tracking within EPA systems.
    • PubChem CID
      Link to Entrez Pccompound.
      DSSTox Chemical ID number uniquely assigned to a particular STRUCTURE and "STRUCTURE-content" fields across all DSSTox databases.
    • EPA OPP Preferred Chemical Name
      The name US EPA OPP has selected as the preferred name for a chemical substance.
    • EPA SRS Systematic Name
      A standard name assigned to a chemical substance. Note: The name is descriptive of the molecular composition of the substance if the composition is known.
      A textual identifier for chemical substances, designed to provide a standard and human-readable way to encode molecular information and to facilitate the search for such information in databases and on the web.
    • CAS Number
      CAS Registry Numbers are unique numerical identifiers assigned by the "Chemical Abstracts Service" to every chemical described in the open scientific literature.
    • EPA PC Code
      A unique chemical code number assigned by the EPA to a particular pesticide active ingredient, inert ingredient or mixture of active ingredients. The EPA PC Code is sometimes referred to as the Shaugnessy Number.
  • Tolerance Information [CSV][XML]
    • EPA OPP Chemical ID
      The unique record number assigned to a chemical substance or a chemical grouping within EPA OPP Chemical Search.
    • EPA PC Code
      A unique chemical code number assigned by the EPA to a particular pesticide active ingredient, inert ingredient or mixture of active ingredients. The EPA PC Code is sometimes referred to as the Shaugnessy Number.
    • CFR Number
      Comprises of the following structure:
      Example: 180.123a
      Part- 180 Rules on a single program or function
      Section- 180.123 One provision of program/function rules
      Paragraph- 180.123a Detailed, specific requirement
    • CFR URL
      Link to the e-CFR.

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