The Pesticide Product and Label System (PPLS) provides a collection of pesticide product labels (Adobe PDF format) that have been accepted by EPA under Section 3 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Information not included on PPLS:
Pesticide devices;
Company numbers for companies with no registered pesticide products; and
Supplemental distributor product labels.
New labels were added to PPLS on February 06, 2025.
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Pesticide product labels provide critical information about how to safely handle and use registered pesticide products. An accepted pesticide product label represents the full content of EPA’s registration decision regarding that product. Pesticide labels contain detailed information on the use, storage, and handling of a product. This information will be found on EPA stamped-accepted labels and, in some cases, in subsequent related correspondence, which is also included in PPLS. You may need to review several PDF files for a single product to determine the complete current terms of registration.
There are differences between product labels provided in PPLS and those found in the marketplace. The EPA stamped-accepted label describes the legal requirements for sale and use of that pesticide in the United States. States also register pesticide products and may apply more restrictive requirements than those found on the EPA label. Companies may add or change graphics, alter the product name (after notifying EPA), and add other marketing information. The label is the law!
PPLS has been modified (effective July 2020) to display all brand names associated with a particular registration. These names each have their own status indicator as to whether the name is active or inactive as determined by the registrant.
To find a specific pesticide product label, enter the information requested below and select the Search button.
EPA Registration, Distributor Product, or Special Local Need Number:
The EPA Registration Number (EPA Reg. No.) appears on the label of all registered pesticides sold in the United States. To search for a particular Section 3 registration, enter the entire registration number (including the hyphen with no leading zeroes (i.e. 123456-12345), enter just the company number (the first set of digits before the hyphen) to search for all products related to that company (i.e. 123456)...
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To search for a particular distributor product, enter the entire three-part registration number (i.e. 123456-12345-123456), to search for all distributor products related to a particular Section 3 registration, enter the Section 3 registration number followed by a hyphen (i.e. 123456-12345-), to search for all distributor products registered by a particular company, enter a ‘%-‘ followed by the company number (i.e. %-123456). To search for a particular Special Local Need (SLN), enter the two-letter state abbreviation followed by the six-digit number (i.e. OH123456), to search for all SLNs for a particular state, enter the two-letter state abbreviation (i.e. OH), and to search for SLNs by state and year, enter the two-letter state abbreviation followed by a two-digit year (i.e. OH12). The ‘%’ is a wildcard character that can be used before, after, or surrounding a search phrase to find partial matches for all PPLS searches.
Product or Alternative Brand Name:
Enter the name of the product. As you type, options will be presented to you. Keep in mind that product names may vary, so if you don’t find the product you are looking for, try the EPA Registration Number Search above.
Chemical Name (Active Ingredients):