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Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR)

Safe Drinking Water Act: Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR)

Annual Drinking Water Quality Reports for Missouri

CCR Report

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  • 1 - 25 of 2,817
Water System NameCCR WebsiteWater System WebsiteWater System AliasPopulation ServedSource TypeSystem AddressContact PhoneCities ServedCounties Served
10 4 WATER SYSTEM160Ground water33898 IVY BEND RD STOVER, MO 65078-0000573-372-3916Morgan
10-42 BAR & QUE25Ground water12244 TROUTDALE RD GRAVOIS MILLS, MO 65037-0000573-372-5141Morgan
11 WEST CONDOMINIUM100Ground water81 ELEVEN WEST DR SUNRISE BEACH, MO 65079-0000573-374-9378Camden
17 EAGLE STOP200Ground water3253 E CHESTNUT EXPRESSWAY SUITE 5 SPRINGFIELD, MO 65802-0000417-838-5414Cole
21 EXPRESS75Ground water160 CR 208 IRONTON, MO 63650-0000573-546-5337Iron
28 QUICK STOP75Ground water35635 HWY 28 WEST BELLE, MO 65013-0000573-859-3927Maries
28 SHOTS DIXON25Ground water PO BOX 28 DIXON, MO 65459-0000573-917-4280Pulaski
3V CORP50Ground water1050 W HAYWARD DR MOUNT VERNON, MO 65712-0000417-466-7184Lawrence
5 81 MOTEL & CAMPGROUND75Ground water5649 OLD ROUTE 5 CAMDENTON, MO 65020-0000573-873-5137Camden
66 DRIVE IN THEATRE25Ground water17231 OLD 66 BLVD CARTHAGE, MO 64836-0000417-499-6092Jasper
66 ONE STOP25Ground water8900 COUNTY RD 65 REEDS, MO 64859-0000Jasper
7 EXPRESS100Ground water14051 N ST HWY 7 PO BOX 6 CLIMAX SPRINGS, MO 65324-0000573-347-2712CLIMAX SPRINGSCamden
A&H COUNTRY ESTATES80Ground water PO BOX 800 HILLSBORO, MO 63050-0000636-797-2601Jefferson
ABC BRANSON LLC450Ground water499 BUENA VISTA RD BRANSON, MO 65616-0000417-336-4399Taney
ABC WATER ASSN25Ground water23777 GREEN SHORES DR SHELL KNOB, MO 65747-0000417-880-8012Barry
ABERDEEN GOLF CLUB25Ground water4111 CRESCENT RD EUREKA, MO 63025-0000636-938-5465St. Louis
ABUNDANT LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH75Ground water104 N OHIO ST PO BOX 167 LINCOLN, MO 65338-0000660-547-2455COLE CAMPBenton
ACRES OF SHADE MHP125Ground water6384 E GREEN HAVEN LN STRAFFORD, MO 65757-0000417-736-2661STAFFORDGreene
ADAIR COUNTY PWSD 17,500Surface water purchased1712 N OSTEOPATHY ST KIRKSVILLE, MO 63501-0000660-341-2192KIRKSVILLEAdair
ADAMS ALE RESORT57Ground water20 EAGLE RIDGE RD CAMDENTON, MO 65020-0000573-317-3592Camden
ADRIAN PWS1,635Surface water16 E 5TH PO BOX 246 ADRIAN, MO 64720-0000816-297-2659ADRIANBates
ADVANCE PWS1,400Ground water PO BOX 348 ADVANCE, MO 63730-0000573-722-3156ADVANCEStoddard
AGAPE LAND MANAGEMENT250Ground water12998 E 1400 RD STOCKTON, MO 65785-0000417-276-7218Cedar
AIRPARK BEACH42Ground water PO BOX 973 KIMBERLING CITY, MO 65686-0000417-739-4100GOLDENBarry
AIRPORT HOMEOWNERS ASSN INC50Ground water PO BOX 126 GOLDEN, MO 65658-0000Barry
  • 1 - 25 of 2,817