Onsite and Decentralized Wastewater Technology Clearinghouse
Helping communities make informed choices about innovative, alternative, and reuse wastewater technologies

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EPA will review and consider all submissions; resources will be evaluated for inclusion to the Clearinghouse based on the linked criteria below. EPA will not post documents that promote or endorse services or products. (Note that non-commercial links that are relevant to the topic are acceptable.) Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Please enter your resource(s) using the form below. Additional Resource rows can be added using the “Add” button. The “Remove” button removes a resource row. You can suggest filters for the resource, please select all options that apply. Users can recommend resources for which they do not own the copyrights to. EPA will only publicly share resources via the Wastewater Technology Clearinghouse for which we have received a signed licensing agreement from the copyright owner. If you are recommending a resource and own copyrights, please complete and submit the below Licensing Agreement with your submission. If multiple resources would like to be shared by the same copyright owner, only one licensing agreement needs to be completed with an included list of all the resources it covers.


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