Electronic Reading Room: Science Reviews Previously Released under FOIA
The Office of Pesticide Programs evaluates scientific data submitted by pesticide registrants in support of pesticide registration to assess potential human health and environmental effects. These studies are conducted with active ingredients, inert ingredients, and product formulations in accordance with EPA guidelines, and generally fall under the subject areas of toxicology, environmental fate and groundwater, ecological effects, residue chemistry, product chemistry, and efficacy. These evaluations are called science reviews or data evaluation records (DERs).
New pesticide indices, with their science review documents, are being added regularly to the FOIA Reading Room.
Due to a variety of circumstances, some records cannot be made fully accessible under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (as amended in 1998), therefore, if a person requesting a document needs accommodations due to a disability, additional assistance is available. The following three individuals serve as direct contacts by email and telephone to assist individuals who may need information not accessible to them:
Obtain science reviews previously released under FOIA
New pesticide indices, with their science review documents, are now being posted on this Web site. However, when science reviews are not available, they can be requested by submitting a FOIA request.
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