12/01/2010 | Product Chemistry Review for EPA Reg. No.: 81242-R. Product name: Ygiene 206. Manufacturing-use [] OR End-use Product [X]. CAS Number: 7722-84-1, 79-21-0. SUBMITTER: BioNeutral Group, Inc. DP Barcode: D381844. MRID: 481955-00, 481955-01. (PDF, 9 pp, 220K) | Juan Negron | Product Science Branch AD | 48195500... [More] |
04/19/2010 | DATA REVIEW FOR ACUTE DERMAL IRRITATION TESTING (OPPTS 870.2500). Test Material: Ygiene 206, Batch #: 9001F1 / Colorless, clear liquid. MRID No.: 481955-06 (PDF, 2 pp, 66K) | Ian Blackwell | OPP/EPA | 48195506 |
04/19/2010 | DATA REVIEW FOR ACUTE DERMAL TOXICITY TESTING (OPPTS 870.1200). Study No.: 28647. Test Material: Ygiene 206, Batch #: 9001F1/ Colorless clear liquid. MRID No.: 481955-03 (PDF, 2 pp, 40K) | CSC and Ian Blackwell | OPP/EPA | 48195503 |
04/19/2010 | DATA REVIEW FOR ACUTE INHALATION TOXICITY TESTING (OPPTS 870.1300) (NOSE-ONLY EXPOSURE). Test Material: Ygiene 206, Batch #: 9001F1 / Colorless clear liquid. MRID No.: 481955-04 (PDF, 2 pp, 95K) | CSC and Ian Blackwell | OPP/EPA | 48195504 |
04/19/2010 | DATA REVIEW FOR ACUTE EYE IRRITATION TESTING (OPPTS 870.2400). Ygiene 206, Batch #: 9001F1 / Colorless clear liquid. MRID No.: 481955-05 (PDF, 4 pp, 92K) | CSC and Ian Blackwell | OPP/EPA | 48195505 |
04/19/2010 | DATA REVIEW FOR SKIN SENSITIZATION TESTING (OPPTS 870.2600) (BUEHLER METHOD). Test Material: Ygiene 206, Batch #: 9001F1 / Colorless clear liquid. MRID No.: 481955-07 (PDF, 5 pp, 128K) | CSC and Ian Blackwell | OPP/EPA | 48195507 |
09/01/2009 | Efficacy Review for EPA Reg. No. 1677-226, Virasept. DP Barcode: 368441. MRID No. 478186-01 (PDF, 5 pp, 42K) | Tajah Blackburn | Product Science Branch AD | 47818601 |
05/15/2009 | Protocol Review for EPA File Symbol 81073-E, Peridox woth the Electrostatic Decontamination System. DP Barcode 361712. MRID Nos. 476499-01 & -02 (PDF, 26 pp, 476K) | Tajah Blackburn | Product Science Branch AD | 47649901... [More] |
12/10/2008 | Peroxyacetic Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide (PERformance LS): Assessment of Occupational and Residential Exposure from Proposed Use as Laundry Sanitizer. EPA Reg. No.: 1677-EET. DP Barcode: D353015 (PDF, 5 pp, 107K) | Pat Jennings | Risk Assessment and Science Support Branch | - |
07/12/2007 | Ecological Risk And Fate Assessment for ProxitaneWW-12 Microbiocide Label Amendment to Add Disinfection of Sewage and Wastewater Effluent. DP Barcodes: D334873, D334954. (PDF, 19 pp, 870K) | Richard Petrie | Risk Assessment & Science Support Branch | - |
07/12/2007 | Summary Review of Available Literature for Hydrogen Peroxide and Peroxyacetic Acid for New Use to Treat Wastewater. DP Barcode: D340077 Reregistration Case No.: 4072 (PDF, 35 pp, 2MB) | James Breithaupt | Risk Assessment and Science Support Branch | - |
07/09/2007 | AQUATIC PLANT TOXICITY USING LEMNA SPP. GUIDELINE OPPTS 850.4400. Proxitane WW-12 - Toxicity to Duckweed, Lemna gibba. DP Barcode: D334873. MRID No.: 46966604 (PDF, 14 pp, 573K) | Richard Petrie | Risk Assessment & Science Support Branch | 46966604 |
07/09/2007 | ALGAL TOXICITY TEST GUIDELINE OPPTS 850.5400 (TIERS I AND II). Proxitane WW-12-Acute Toxicity to the freshwater Diatom, Navicula pelliculosa. DP Barcode: D334873. MRID No.: 46966605 (PDF, 7 pp, 293K) | Richard Petrie | Risk Assessment & Science Support Branch | 46966605 |
07/09/2007 | ALGAL TOXICITY TEST GUIDELINE OPPTS 850.5400 (TIERS I AND II). Proxitane WW-12- Acute Toxicity to the Freshwater Blue-Green Alga, Anabaena flos-aquae. DP Barcode: D334873. MRID No.: 46966606 (PDF, 8 pp, 352K) | Richard Petrie | Risk Assessment & Science Support Branch | 46966606 |
07/09/2007 | ALGAL TOXICITY TEST GUIDELINE OPPTS 850.5400 (TIERS I AND II). Proxitane WW-12 - Acute Toxicity to the Marine Diatom, Skeletonema costatum, Under Static Conditions. DP Barcode: D334873. MRID No.: 46966607 (PDF, 7 pp, 334K) | Richard Petrie | Risk Assessment & Science Support Branch | 46966607 |