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EPA has produced a vast collection of science-related documents to support pesticide registration decisions. Below you will find a subset of documents that, generally, have been requested by the public through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) process. Each of these documents has been reviewed to ensure that any proprietary information is not included.

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  • 1 - 15 of 26
12/01/2010Product Chemistry Review for EPA Reg. No.: 81242-R. Product name: Ygiene 206. Manufacturing-use [] OR End-use Product [X]. CAS Number: 7722-84-1, 79-21-0. SUBMITTER: BioNeutral Group, Inc. DP Barcode: D381844. MRID: 481955-00, 481955-01. (PDF, 9 pp, 220K)Juan NegronProduct Science Branch AD48195500... [More]
04/19/2010DATA REVIEW FOR ACUTE DERMAL IRRITATION TESTING (OPPTS 870.2500). Test Material: Ygiene 206, Batch #: 9001F1 / Colorless, clear liquid. MRID No.: 481955-06 (PDF, 2 pp, 66K)Ian BlackwellOPP/EPA48195506
04/19/2010DATA REVIEW FOR ACUTE DERMAL TOXICITY TESTING (OPPTS 870.1200). Study No.: 28647. Test Material: Ygiene 206, Batch #: 9001F1/ Colorless clear liquid. MRID No.: 481955-03 (PDF, 2 pp, 40K)CSC and Ian BlackwellOPP/EPA48195503
04/19/2010DATA REVIEW FOR ACUTE INHALATION TOXICITY TESTING (OPPTS 870.1300) (NOSE-ONLY EXPOSURE). Test Material: Ygiene 206, Batch #: 9001F1 / Colorless clear liquid. MRID No.: 481955-04 (PDF, 2 pp, 95K)CSC and Ian BlackwellOPP/EPA48195504
04/19/2010DATA REVIEW FOR ACUTE EYE IRRITATION TESTING (OPPTS 870.2400). Ygiene 206, Batch #: 9001F1 / Colorless clear liquid. MRID No.: 481955-05 (PDF, 4 pp, 92K)CSC and Ian BlackwellOPP/EPA48195505
04/19/2010DATA REVIEW FOR SKIN SENSITIZATION TESTING (OPPTS 870.2600) (BUEHLER METHOD). Test Material: Ygiene 206, Batch #: 9001F1 / Colorless clear liquid. MRID No.: 481955-07 (PDF, 5 pp, 128K)CSC and Ian BlackwellOPP/EPA48195507
09/01/2009Efficacy Review for EPA Reg. No. 1677-226, Virasept. DP Barcode: 368441. MRID No. 478186-01 (PDF, 5 pp, 42K)Tajah BlackburnProduct Science Branch AD47818601
05/15/2009Protocol Review for EPA File Symbol 81073-E, Peridox woth the Electrostatic Decontamination System. DP Barcode 361712. MRID Nos. 476499-01 & -02 (PDF, 26 pp, 476K)Tajah BlackburnProduct Science Branch AD47649901... [More]
12/10/2008Peroxyacetic Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide (PERformance LS): Assessment of Occupational and Residential Exposure from Proposed Use as Laundry Sanitizer. EPA Reg. No.: 1677-EET. DP Barcode: D353015 (PDF, 5 pp, 107K)Pat JenningsRisk Assessment and Science Support Branch-
07/12/2007Ecological Risk And Fate Assessment for ProxitaneWW-12 Microbiocide Label Amendment to Add Disinfection of Sewage and Wastewater Effluent. DP Barcodes: D334873, D334954. (PDF, 19 pp, 870K)Richard PetrieRisk Assessment & Science Support Branch-
07/12/2007Summary Review of Available Literature for Hydrogen Peroxide and Peroxyacetic Acid for New Use to Treat Wastewater. DP Barcode: D340077 Reregistration Case No.: 4072 (PDF, 35 pp, 2MB)James BreithauptRisk Assessment and Science Support Branch-
07/09/2007AQUATIC PLANT TOXICITY USING LEMNA SPP. GUIDELINE OPPTS 850.4400. Proxitane WW-12 - Toxicity to Duckweed, Lemna gibba. DP Barcode: D334873. MRID No.: 46966604 (PDF, 14 pp, 573K)Richard PetrieRisk Assessment & Science Support Branch46966604
07/09/2007ALGAL TOXICITY TEST GUIDELINE OPPTS 850.5400 (TIERS I AND II). Proxitane WW-12-Acute Toxicity to the freshwater Diatom, Navicula pelliculosa. DP Barcode: D334873. MRID No.: 46966605 (PDF, 7 pp, 293K)Richard PetrieRisk Assessment & Science Support Branch46966605
07/09/2007ALGAL TOXICITY TEST GUIDELINE OPPTS 850.5400 (TIERS I AND II). Proxitane WW-12- Acute Toxicity to the Freshwater Blue-Green Alga, Anabaena flos-aquae. DP Barcode: D334873. MRID No.: 46966606 (PDF, 8 pp, 352K)Richard PetrieRisk Assessment & Science Support Branch46966606
07/09/2007ALGAL TOXICITY TEST GUIDELINE OPPTS 850.5400 (TIERS I AND II). Proxitane WW-12 - Acute Toxicity to the Marine Diatom, Skeletonema costatum, Under Static Conditions. DP Barcode: D334873. MRID No.: 46966607 (PDF, 7 pp, 334K)Richard PetrieRisk Assessment & Science Support Branch46966607
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